Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Things for which I am grateful (2007 version)

1. Football

2. Fish (for eating, apparently, they are good for me. (something about Omega...Acids, or something))

3. Racquetball

4. Oxygen

5. Good movies (Bourne Ultimatum at the top this year.)

6. Entertaining Books. (HP7 I am looking in your direction this year.)

7. The funny signs that homeless guy that stands near the 13th East exit makes.

8. Remodeling (grateful for the end result, NOT the process.)

9. The king of meats, sausage.

10. Vacations

Disclaimer: Of course I am thankful for my family, job, faith etc., but those things make a less interesting list. (I guess I am assuming that the items I did include on the list are interesting, which may be a bad assumption, but whatever. It's my list and I can do what I want.)

Monday, November 19, 2007


Other wrong things:

Crossing the velvet rope barriers at museums.

Punching clowns.

Spiking the punch.

Smashing all the potato chips in the bag.

Yelling obscenities while your friend is teeing off.

Forgetting to wash your hands after using the restroom.

Announcie the end or plot details of movies to those in line to see the film.

Starting a fight at an office party.

Wearing a tuxedo to a backyard barbecue.

Bringing a knife to a gun fight.