Thursday, July 17, 2008

Battle of the Big Wheel

There is an ongoing battle at my house that I need to vent about. Whenever we buy a package of treats, be they donuts, candy bars, oreos, or ice cream sandwiches, we decide up front how much each of us is entitled to.

For example, in a box of six donuts, two are for me, two are for Danyael, and the boys each get one. In a package of cookies, one row for me, one row for Danyael, and the boys share the third row. This is fair.

It is my fault that we have to make this apportionment at all. I admit that. I am guilty of eating more than my share on multiple occasions. With the above system, everyone is assured of getting their fair share. (I have issues with what is a fair share, but that is a an issue for anther day - Okay, briefly, shouldn't the largest share go to the person who both wants the most and has the most capacity to consume?)

Here is the problem. There is, in my freezer at home, at this very moment, a single big wheel ice cream sandwhich. That ice cream sandwhich has been in there, all by itself, for not less than 6-7 weeks. 6-7 weeks of chocolaty frozen goodness, tempting me, calling to me. But I can't touch it. Why? Because it belongs to Danyael. I already ate my share. If I suggest that she should eat it, or else I will, I get the beat down. It belongs to her.

This is ridiculous. The apportionment of share to specific foodstuffs should have an expiration date. When we bought the ice cream sandwhiches, and decided that that particular one belonged to Danyael, we should have also decided how long that apportionment lasted. The amount of time depends on the item. I think for a frozen treat, 72 hours is ideal, but would settle for one week. The time frame for Donuts? 24 hours. After that they are stale. In any case, once the time runs, the goodies are fair game.

This is logical right?

Right now, if you are reading and you are a dude, you are thinking "Yes absolutely, go eat the big wheel!" If you are reading and you are a female, you are thinking "Hey fair is fair, you had your share, she will eat it when she is good and ready."