Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Phantom Itch

Do you ever feel itchy because you are thinking about itching, or bugs crawling on you or something else like that?

I do. I have noticed that if I have an itch, and I scratch it, all of a sudden, I am now itchy somewhere else, and somewhere else. I have to make a conscious decision to stop scratching and distract myself and move on.

Now scientists are trying to explain this. The following article has a few possible explanations for phantom itching. I think I side with Giesler.

"the threshold for sensation of itch is lowered by thinking about it."
Amen Glen.

Now, I'm feeling itchy.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Shannon posted a brief memory of her experience ten years ago yesterday. It was short, but compelling.

For me, I got up that day and turned on the TV while getting dressed. The first image I saw was of the towers, already burning. The news lady was attempting to describe the seen, but there was still a lot of uncertainty. Within minutes, the first tower collapsed on the screen. That is the moment that is burned in my memory. I didn't just witness that moment, I felt it. The rest of the day, the other tower, the Pentagon, Flight 93, were moments that hit while I was already at the bottom.