Monday, May 14, 2012

It's been asked before

Sometimes it feels like every question has been asked before. And not just asked, but asked frequently. When I have a question, I often do what everyone else does, which is, consult the Google, and ask my question. It seems like every time I do this, I'm a few words into my question, and Google, in all its infinite wisdom, has already completed my question with the little suggestions that it provides. Which I think means that that search is not a new one, or that the question has been asked before. For instance, the other day, I wanted to ask why some planes leave visible trails, and others don't. If you already know the answer, and have known it since you were six, don't judge. In any case, I Googled my question, and it popped up immediately. And now I know. Contrails, apparently, and something to do with moisture in the air. This happens a lot, asking questions about weird rashes, horses, cars, you name it. I guess this is a good thing, because the answers are out there, but it makes me feel like I'm late to the game with all my questions.