Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Pedestrian travel

Does pedestrian travel always mimic road travel? In the US, we drive on the right side of the road. When we walk down the hallway or sidewalk, it seems that, for the most part, we walk on the right side as well. Does the opposite hold true in places where people drive on the left? I am just curious.

Friday, January 16, 2015

No cakes or Cookies in 2014

This was my goal for 2014. It did not survive past the first two weeks of January. Mostly because I kept forgetting.

I am punishing myself this year by giving up two things, soda, and processed meats, as I define it.

Out: Hotdogs, sausage, pepperoni, salami, bologna, pastrami, etc.
In: Ham, bacon and lunchmeat

So far, so good. I did grandfather in some cherry coke zero and a summer sausage that I got for Christmas. When those are gone, we'll see.

Creativity in dreams

Do you find that you do "complex" thinking and creating in your dreams?

I recently dreamed that I was at a casino somewhere, and I was getting ready to leave, and the dealer, or some employee of the casino, suggested that I play a different game. The game involved a box that opened on one side, via hinges on the other side. Inside the box were equal squares in two rows of four, each row containing a number, 1-8. In the game, I was the player, and I would circle with a marker of some kind, one of the numbers. The dealer would be allowed to watch my hands, but could not see the numbers because I was blocking his view with the "lid" of the box. Then the dealer would be guess a number as I looked down at the number I had circled. If he guessed right, I lost, if he guessed wrong, I win. He made his guess by watching me circle, and watching where I looked as he began his guess.

When I woke up and started thinking about the game, I was surprised that I had basically invented a game during my dream.

Should I have been surprised? Does this happen all the time and I just don't notice? Do you create or invent in your dreams? Is there a difference between creating a place to be in your dream, like flying somewhere or being in a city or place you've never been, and inventing or creating a game or something else? It seemed to me to be a more complex creation for a dream. I don't know. Maybe not.