Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Killer Dreams

A few nights ago I had a vivid dream. I was attacked by a killer whale. My legs were injured and bleeding. Someone trying to help me was wheeling me around in a red radio-flyer wagon. I ultimately received medical attention from some monks. When I woke up, I thought that the dream was somewhat interesting and entertaining (though it was not entertaining at the time).

I told my wife about the dream and she did not seem to think that it was unusual at all. She said that she had told me about two dreams in the last few months where she was attacked by killer whales. As soon as she reminded me of those dreams, I remembered her telling me about them, although I did not think of her dreams when I woke up or until she mentioned them. She just assumed that I dreamed about killer whales because she had twice dreamed about them and relayed the dreams to me, so they were in my subconscious.

Does it work that way? Did she sow killer whale dream seeds in my mind? Do we need to take a trip to Sea World?

And then I got to thinking... Could I use this to my advantage? Could I plant dream seeds in her mind that would prompt her to do something to my liking?

Should I start telling her that I dreamed about flying to Denver to go to a Broncos Game? Or driving to Vegas for an NCAA Conference Basketball Tournament? Or eating nothing but ribs for two weeks?

The possibilities are endless.

It probably won't work, but I'll give it a shot.


Shannon said...

Eric, remember and repeat this right before bed: "I owe my sister money. I owe my sister money. I owe my sister money."

Linda G. Paulsen said...

Keep in mind that sewing (note spelling) dreams can be risky. For example, say you planted ribs dreams in Danyael...and she dreams that the ribs are eating her children...or maybe there are ribs filling all the kitchen cupboards and the BBQ sauce is dripping everywhere, and then it turns to blood, and she's suddenly swimming in it and then you turn up swimming beside her and suddenly you turn into a killer whale...you get the idea. love, Mom

Shannon said...

So two nights ago I dreamed about a whale. Only the whale ate a shark and saved a baby from being the shark's snack.The baby was being pushed in a stroller by his mother along the bottom of an aquarium in some sort of theme park. Don't ask me why they could breathe underwater and what prevented them from floating to the top because I have no idea.