Friday, March 30, 2007

My seductive mistress: Golf

I played Golf this morning for the first time this season. It was around 40 degrees, and we didn't see anyone else on the course. It was a bit chilly. But it was fun. As usual, I averaged between an 8 and 10 on every hole. I was able to hit some nice straight shots, but also topped alot of balls and I can't hit straight with my driver to save my life.

The problem is that golf is very addicting. Every time I play, on about hole 5 or 6 of nine, I am playing so poorly that I swear that I will never play again. Then I get two bogeys and one double in the last three holes and I think, okay, I have finally figured it out. But I haven't. The next game will be the same. You are blessed enough to have one really good shot or a decent hole or two so that you are sucked in and want to play more. It is a vicious cycle. The good shot or decent hole is a giant teaser. Come back, it shouts at me, and I am powerless to resist.

So here I am, and I can't wait to play again.

It's a very seductive game.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Fossilized Freak

I saw a preview recently for Meet the Robinsons, a new Disney film. The preview shows a Dinosaur, presumaby a T-rex, trying to reach a little boy, but he can't because his arms are too small.

And I got to thinking, how many complete T-rex skeletons have actually been found? More than one? I have no idea. But what if we are basing our understanding of T-rex anatomy from one skeleton? Might it be possible that the dinosaur who ended up as the fossil remains was a freak of nature dinosaur? Like the snake with two heads?

Maybe most T-rex's actually had longer, more useful arms. Maybe the fossil T-rex was unable to save itself from the tarpit because it, unlike the others, could not pull itself out with its puny arms.

I don't know anything about paleontology, or whatever the right ology is, but that is an interesting thought. At least it is to me.

Thursday, March 1, 2007


I recently saw a video on the internet that both amused me and got me to thinking.

The video was of some British guy pulling a prank where he would ring someone's doorbell and then when they answered the door, he would just stand there quietly. Usually, the person that answered the door would eventually ask why the guy had knocked on the door, at which point the guy would accuse the person who answered the door of being the one who had knocked on the door in the first place. The goal was to see how long it took before the person became frustrated and closed the door.

I think that it would be funnier if you just stood there saying nothing until they shut the door. I think that it would make people feel very uneasy.

And then I wondered if it would be possible to intentionally screw up other types of pranks in an effort to really confuse people.

For example, you could toilet paper someone's house in broad daylight while they were working in the yard, and just pretend that you don't see or hear them. Just go about your business and leave.

Or you could put on a scary mask and follow a family member into their bedroom, turn on the light, and hide in their closet while they were watching you, then jump out and try to scare them.

You could walk up to a friend, kneel down, and tie his or her shoelaces together while they were watching, and then walk away.

Try making an obvious attemt to tape a "kick me" sign to someones forehead.

Loosen the top of the salt shaker during the middle of the meal while everyone is watching.

The possibilities, once again, are endless.