Thursday, August 2, 2007

The internet is bad

Despite the fact that I spend at least an hour or two each day perusing my favorite sites on the web, I am a firm believer that the internet is an evil evil entity.

Why? Because it is so much harder now to win freebies. Remember back in the day, when every candy bar or soda that you opened had the potential to win you anything from a million dollars to a free candy bar or soda? You looked under the cap, or inside the wrapper, and you were an instant winner or loser. You knew right away, with no effort on your part, whether or not you had won.

Now, because of the internet, things have changed. Companies have capitalized on technology to save money by taking advantage of at least the lazy people, probably a high percentage of everyone else as well. Now everytime you look under the cap or inside the wrapper, what do you see? A code. A code that requires you to perform the following steps before you find out whether or not you won:

1. You are required to hang on to your GARBAGE until you are by a computer.
2. You have to go to the website indicated.
3. Often you have to create an account complete with password.
4. You have to enter your code.

Then the payoff finally comes. You are not a winner.

I don't know about anyone else, but whenever I see the code, I groan in disgust and throw away my garbage. I almost never go online to check the code. Maybe I could have been a million dollar winner!! Probably not, but at least 10 years ago, I would have known, and known right away.

Lousy Internet.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Eric. You won the Paulsen Family Give-a-wa!. To see what you've won go to and follow the 30 instructions. Enter code 13lkja9d at part 3f and code 2340jad at part 5c. Then send a dollar to every member of the family and they will send you the correct code for the rest of the game. Happy Winning!