Friday, May 9, 2008

One food fits all

Are there any universally tasty foods? Foods that no one dislikes? I'm not saying food that everyone loves or everyone craves, but foods that everyone agrees are pleasant tasting.

So far I have a grand total of 3 candidates:

1. French Fries
2. Bananas
3. Graham Crackers

I fully recognize that many in the world may not have tasted some of these, but I want to know about those that have tasted, and the likelihood that they would be universally tasty if everyone had. Does anyone know of anyone who doesn't like these? Anymore to add to the list?


Jacob S. Paulsen said...

Sorry but I don't like bananas and I'm not alone. How about Chocolate or Pizza?

Shannon said...

Alyssa doesn't like bananas, but she does like banana flavored stuff. What about pizza?

Eric said...

Pizza doesn't work. Tomato sauce and cheese are not universally liked either. Same thing with chocolate.

Linda G. Paulsen said...

I agree bananas can't be on the list. As for what could be, isn't it weird how small the list is! Graham crackers may be the only one...although nearly every society eats bread of some a generic label "bread" may work.

Linda G. Paulsen said...

ICE-CREAM, how could we forget ICE-CREAM!!