Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dark Meat

I have a question. Where has all the dark meat gone? Every commercial I see for restaurants advertises "all white meat" chicken. White meat chicken nuggets, white meat chicken breasts, white meat chicken fingers, white meat chicken chicken. The same is true for frozen chicken. You see more "all white meat" chicken patties, nuggets, etc.

So where is the dark meat? Have they genetically engineered chickens to only have white meat? Seems unlikely. Is it being fed to hungry people at homeless shelters? Shipped overseas? Stockpiled for anticipated future chicken shortages? Has it been weaponized? Is it being burned as fuel? Being hurled at oil company executives? Is the White House involved?

Just curious.


Jacob S. Paulsen said...

Hot Dogs?

Linda G. Paulsen said...

Dad Paulsen:I understand that there are ways to preserve this dark meat in underground reserves. It just stays there in the cold until it is needed. They call these places chicken silos. When the price gets to a profitable stage, the dark meat (which by this time has turn kind of pale) is withdrawn and put into the marketplace. On the real side, there is a man on the high council here that is a BYU professor whose work involves genetic engineering to make "monster chickens" with more meat. I suppose if you were in China for the Olympics you would be seeing all of our dark meat there. Dad

Linda G. Paulsen said...

The dark meat is being consumed by Fido and Felix. It all goes into pet foods. They don't care about cholesterol. They don't care how it looks on a sandwich. They don't care if it falls apart in casseroles or on salads...

Shannon said...

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

Eric said...

Chicken silos. That is deep. Dad, I had no idea you knew so much. Did you read that in National Geographic, or in the sister magazine, "National Geographic: Conspiracy Theories for Internet Nerds"