Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Stuck in a dream

I have another issue with dreams. Do you ever have dreams where you are trying to get somewhere, or accomplish a certain thing, and you can't do it? I regularly have dreams where I am trying to perform a simple task, pack for a trip, eat a meal, find someone I'm looking for, and I get stuck and no matter how hard I try, I can't accomplish the task. It becomes increasingly frustrating to the point that I wake up, and am relieved that I no longer have to complete the task. In the most recent version of this dream, I was trying to drive to school. No matter which way I turned, I could not get out of a specific neighborhood. There was construction on one street, heavy traffic on another, a dead end... it was unbelievable. In another, I am trying to round up my family so that we can leave a house. I couldn't get everybody to be in the same place at once. In another, I am trying to get from a restaurant, across the street to a hotel. I can't manage it.

Why do dreams have to be frustrating? They are my dreams! Why can't I do what I want to do? I need more control over what is happening. I am busy enough during the day, I do not need my sleep interrupted by frustrating dreams. On some occasions, when I wake up from a dream, I can mentally alter the path of the dream to accomplish what I want. Why do I have to wake up for this? Usually, when this happens, the dream takes a twist and the story changes. Is that because I have interfered with the plotline "Mess with Eric"?

I am not talking here about nightmares or scary dreams. I don't mind scary dreams, because I look forward to the tremendous relief that comes when I wake up from those. It is the frustrating ones that drive me crazy.


Linda G. Paulsen said...

Well, Sir, I've been semi in control of my dreams for years. If I'm really off, I can't do a thing about the plot. But if my blood sugar is ok I can usually make things happen. I learned how over my childhood because I had such miserable nightmares. My mother taught me how.
However, I have this idea of writing a novel in which the main character woman is like me, only gets better and better at controlling her dreams to the point that she really prefers her "dream world" to the real one, and considers "staying" there. Kinda of a twist on Matrix...what do you think?

Jacob S. Paulsen said...

I can never pull the trigger on the gun. There is always a bad guy and I try with both hands to pull the trigger down as hard as I can and still it won't pull. I hate it so bad.

Eric said...


That book sounds like it has the potential to be creepy and depressing, but it is a great idea.


You feel my pain.

Shannon said...

I hate those kind of dreams. I relive a variety including not being able to run when needed. I just can't make my legs move! Similar to yours is also the inability to gather the children all at the same time.