Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Red Devil Fiasco

At work, we are having a ping-pong tournament. We were randomly seeded into double elimination brackets and the tournament began the first week of March. The championship match is scheduled for March 17, Saint Patricks Day. When the tournament was announced, I misunderstood it and thought that the entire tournament would take place on March 17th. At my office, I would consider myself a good player, but not a great player. I can consistently beat just about everyone except my boss and 3 or 4 of my coworkers. In order to give myself an "edge" (10% motivation for purchase) and for showmanship purposes (90% motivation for purchase) I purchased some ping-pong paddles on ebay. These paddles, called Red Devils, come from the company which is the official supplier for the Chinese national team and the Chinese Olympic team. They were coming from China. I assumed that they would arrive by March 17th. Unfortunately, and probably because shipping was free, they have not yet arrived. It might not have made much of a difference anyway, because the tournament actually started the week before last but I lost my edge, and more importantly, my chance for showmanship. I won my first two matches, then played James, who I have not beaten in some time. He beat me. I went to the losers bracket where I can still play into the championship, and where I am slated to play Moj. I have a good chance of beating her. I sure would like my Red Devils though! Maybe they will come on Monday. Maybe they will come in late April. Who knows. I will post the results next week.

My Useless Sixth Sense

I have a gift. It is a unique and powerful gift. It is a useless gift. I have the ability to foresee upcoming sitcom episode re-runs. I have had this gift for years, though until recently the scope of my gift was limited to Seinfeld. I would, either out of no where or on a prompt, think of a certain scene from a Seinfeld episode. Almost without fail, that scene would occur in an episode of Seinfeld within 1-3 days, sometimes that same night. I could never explain it, but would often comment to Danyael when it happened. It happens once or twice a month consistently.

Now my gift has expanded to King of Queens. I have now twice foreseen episodes of King of Queens. I know, its amazing.

If any of you can think of any practical applications for this gift, please let me know.