Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Useless Sixth Sense

I have a gift. It is a unique and powerful gift. It is a useless gift. I have the ability to foresee upcoming sitcom episode re-runs. I have had this gift for years, though until recently the scope of my gift was limited to Seinfeld. I would, either out of no where or on a prompt, think of a certain scene from a Seinfeld episode. Almost without fail, that scene would occur in an episode of Seinfeld within 1-3 days, sometimes that same night. I could never explain it, but would often comment to Danyael when it happened. It happens once or twice a month consistently.

Now my gift has expanded to King of Queens. I have now twice foreseen episodes of King of Queens. I know, its amazing.

If any of you can think of any practical applications for this gift, please let me know.


Jacob S. Paulsen said...

I would recommend extending your application to Everyone Loves Raymond. That would really round off the gift.

Shannon said...

Maybe you should start to foresee yourself doing something useful during an episode of reruns. Then it wouldn't be useless. :)

Linda G. Paulsen said...

Maybe you should consider this gift a warning voice, as in an opportunity to choose wisely this time.

Eric said...

I don't really like Raymond, so we don't watch it that often.

I can't control what I forsee.

Warning voice? Choose what wisely?

Linda G. Paulsen said...

Okay, I'll explain. To test your prediction, you have to watch a stupid program twice. I say, the gift is telling you "this is dumb. See how dumb? Watch something less dumb."

Eric said...

I don't care if its stupid. Most shows are stupid. I only care if its funny, and those shows are funny. I'm not saying that I should'nt be making better use of the time either, but watching those shows is a good way to unwind at the end of the day.