Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Showering is a few minutes during each day when I can get some real thinking done. Most of the time, I am thinking about meaningless stuff, but still. The problem is that I sometimes find myself unsure about where I am in the process of my shower. Did I already shampoo my hair? Sometimes I can remember when I find myself asking this question, sometimes I can't. When I can't remember, the choice is to wash the hair, at which point I sometimes realize that I already did. Does this happen to anyone else?


Linda G. Paulsen said...

I have many such moments, but not in the shower. I suggest you follow up the question "did I shampoo?" with, "is my hair wet?"

Linda G. Paulsen said...

This comment is from Dad: I want to warn you that things will only get worse. There was a time in my life when I could do more than one thing at a time. That is: think one thing and also do another simple thing like showering or shampooing. Now I can barely do the one simple thing. I put things down and because I was thinking of something else at the time I can't remember where it is. Life if tough when you get old.

Shannon said...

Alan does a lot of thinking in the shower. This is at least what he tells me to explain the long amount of time it takes to shower. I expect now that it's because he shampoos his hair 3 times because he can't remember if he's done it while figuring out the programming problem of the day.