Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sports Consumer

I think its a little crazy how wrapped up you can become with sports. You can care just a little too much, become a little too invested in a given team or player. This came to a head for me over the weekend, when I had one of the top 3 worst sports weekends of my life.

1. BYU got killed.
2. Broncos lost at home.
3. I was eliminated in my own NFL survival pool.
4. I got absolutely creamed in fantasy football.

I was kind of depressed on Sunday night as the Jets defense failed to net me the points I needed for my fantasy team, after already going through defeats 1-3.

Today, I am still upset, but have a little more perspective. The season is long, BYU and the Broncos can bounce back. The Broncos are actually playing better than most thought they would. Fantasy is won over the season, not won or lost in one day.

Why do we get so wrapped up in these teams? So passionate about a game?

I don't know, but I love it, at least some weeks.


Linda G. Paulsen said...

We like to win, duh! We let someone else take the pain and make the effort and we get some of the kudos 'cause we "support" the winner--we were smart enough to choose the right team.

Eric said...

I also think it is just competitiveness. I hate to lose, and I hate my favorite team to lose.

It is doubled when my own money is on the line. I am very passionate about fantasy football or an office March Madness pool because I have dollars on the line.

Linda G. Paulsen said...

Gambling!!!?? Even casually, it's a ticket to losing.