Friday, March 8, 2013

Stimuli - Our brains are smarter than we are

According to this blurb, and apparently this information comes from a video, our brain can effectively process only about 1% of all the stimuli that it takes in. Our brains have filters to filter out non-meaningful information.

My question is this: What would be different if we could effectively process all the information that we take in? Does this ability differ to any degree from one person to another? Does this ability change in the afterlife?

Starting simple, would we be able to avoid ever tripping again?
Would we be a lot better at sports?
Would we be able to perceive more colors?
Would we be able to communicate with each other a lot better?
Would we be able to understand animals and babies better?
Would we be able to see a lot farther?

Getting deeper, would we be able to see things that we previously simply could not see? Like ghosts?

I don't know.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I'm counting on it, otherwise I'm in real trouble.