Thursday, January 25, 2007

A really big pipe.

So I found this website the other day:

This site allows you to answer the question that has been on the back of your mind since childhood when you dug what you thought was a really deep hole in your backyard. At least, it has been bugging me since that time. I got down like 3 or 4 feet. The question is this: If I dig this hole all the way through the earth, where will I come out? The standard answer to this question was always: China. I thought it would be great to dig a hole to China, and like I stated above, I thought I got pretty close. 4 feet is pretty far down. Anyway, the above website allows you to identify exactly where your hole would come out if you did dig a hole all the way through the earth. It turns out that a hole dug in the backyard of my childhood home would come out somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean, so that would have been a shock.

This revelation got me to thinking. What if, in theory, I could dig a hole all the way through the earth, and put a pipe or something in my hole. When I came out on the other side of the earth at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, I would have a conduit to pipe a large amount of water out of the Indian Ocean, and into my yard. I could drain and relocate the Indian Ocean. This got me very excited for about 14 seconds, until I remembered Gravity. My theoretical theory is that the water would flow right down the pipe until it got about halfway through the earth. At that point Gravity would probably prevent it from traveling much farther down the pipe, thus thwarting my ocean relocation plan. So it didn't really work out. What a shame.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

But the thing is you'd have to dig at some kind of angle and so maybe we would have come out in China. And also if we did come out in the Indian Ocean and put in a pipe, I think the heat from the center of the earth would create one heck of a geyser and it would shoot up in the back yard and we would have the coolest house in all of Rock Springs, assuming that by the time the water actually made it up to Rock Springs it would be a nice bath-tub warm.