Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Are we all a bunch of nose pickers? I recently read about a study that indicated that most adults do pick their nose. The frequency differs from person to person. Some, who pick upwards of 2-3 hours a day or more, have a clinical disorder. This brought a couple of questions to my mind.

What factors determine who picks and how much and when?

Does it depend on the climate where you live? Does it make a difference if its humid or dry, cold or warm? Does it depend on the season? More picking in the winter? More picking in North America, Canada, Africa, France?

Of one thing I can be sure. Pollution matters. I was in the Philippines for a couple of years. When I was living in the more metro, higher population areas, I noticed that my boogers turned black. My snot was polluted. Nice huh? Smoke from camping or fires also turns my boogies black.

Do people pick at the same time every day? In the same place? Always in the car where boogies can be flicked out the window? At night before sleep? Only in the bathroom (Boring)?

Are there boogers that won't come out with a solid blow that require the pick, or is it an issue of tissue availability?

Is it concern for the presence of cliffhangers in social situations that forces a thorough pick before going out in public?

Does it matter how big your shnoz is?

Does booger consistency play a role? Are people more likely to pick out the dry crusties v. the gooey ones?

Does age matter? Are children bigger pickers than adults? Teenagers?

The study also stated that eating boogies was good for the immune system. I don't think it's worth it.

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