Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sleep oddities

Do you ever find that when you fall, or trip, or jump while asleep that your body moves? This mostly happens to me when I am only partially asleep. I will be dreaming, and in the dream I fall over or lose my balance. My body physically reacts to this by shifting or whatever, and that motion wakes me up. Does this happen to anyone else? It is kind of weird and kind of funny.

I also almost always experience a full body shiver as I am falling asleep. This is how Danyael knows that I am almost asleep, because she feels the shiver. Does this happen to anyone else?

1 comment:

Linda G. Paulsen said...

I have odd things happen, certainly. I think the strangest is when I'm dreaming my teeth are are falling out, and I'm desperately trying to tuck them back in, getting them backwards etc. And when I finally wake up I discover I'm sleeping face down or somehow putting pressure on my mouth, or it's been hanging open and I'm all dried up. Your dad does the jerk thing--it must be hereditary.