Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Parade of Human Debris

Does anyone know the movie the title of this post comes from? Gold star if you know it.

I am sick of reality TV. I have never really watched it, and it is taking up way too much airtime. I don't care who can survive in the wild. I don't care who is the best mate for a rich guy or girl. I don't care who is the most popular amateur singer or performer. I don't care about a pimped up car or motorcyle or whatever. I don't care who wins a race. I don't care who can cook under the glare of a jerk. I really don't care how you would do with someone else's spouse for a week.

These shows seem to attract the worst of what we as society have to offer in terms of people. It is a parade of human debris, and I am not enjoying the parade. I want more scripted, entertaining television. I would rather see commercials for yet another lame crime or legal drama than a commercial about the next group of idiots who are going to live in the same house or lose weight or revisit high school memories. Give me more comedies.


Shannon said...

I would have to agree with you. I'm finding I actually have to read in the evenings rather than watch TV. It's depressing. I need more comedy books.

Linda G. Paulsen said...

Between you has come the answer: more books, less TV! And if you need comedy, just think how ridiculous the human family has become, that we think watching that junk is entertaining! Won't that make you laugh?!

Linda G. Paulsen said...

This is Dad Paulsen: I have come to detest almost all television! Nothing seems to escape those that would seek to insult us with their sleeze and vulgar subjects. I say: Read good and uplifting books and make a collection of good and decent movies. Watch these when watching seems to be the best way to relax and settle the spirit.

Eric said...

No one knows the movie? Danyael knew it right away.