Sunday, September 6, 2009


I assume that I am not alone in this, but I hate stupid commercials. Here are a few common elements in commercials that I really dislike.

1. Butchering a popular song or tune with lyrics about the business.
2. Kids voices.
3. British people, unless the product or business or service has something to do with the UK.
4. Most jingles, especially for local businesses.
5. Commercials that make me feel like I'm not a competent parent and I abuse my kids unless I buy a certain product.

Feels good to rant.


Linda G. Paulsen said...

I'd add these to your list:
1.Sappy sentiments that make you cry over diapers and peanut butter.
2. Vitamin or cholesterol or allergy meds that show unrealistic scenes of gorgeous seniors frolicking with babies "Out in Nature."
3. Sexy exploitations somehow linked to eating yogurt or using a certain shampoo.

Shannon said...

I also hate it when they prey on fear. My current least favorite is one that preys on the fear of disasters by claiming to provide all the nutrients your body needs in a pill. It's advertised as the solution to any natural disaster or problem that would prevent you from accessing food. Oh and this pill will also make you feel full and satisfied. Right.