Wednesday, November 18, 2009

If it comes from the ocean, it must be better.

I wrote before about how everything in food was trending towards white meat chicken, and dark meat chicken had become a hiss and a byword.

Then I found out that dark meat chicken was being consumed like crazy in Russia.

The new white meat chicken is sea salt. Ordinary salt is not good enough any more. Now salt has to come from the sea. Potato chips now have sea salt. Diet foods now use sea salt. I was at TGIF for lunch today, and they had sea salt in a grinder at the table. What is wrong with regular salt? Isn't salt salt? And of course, where is all the regular salt going? Is non sea salt preferred in Uzbekistan or some place?

I don't get these trends.


Linda G. Paulsen said...

I think the issue is purity, or something. I read in a catalog that their clothing used fabric made from organic material. Goofy! And on the news tonight, we heard about a motorcycle club in Oregon whose bikes are total electric. You can buy them at Best Buy stores. I wonder if they wear black organic leather and season their veggies with sea salt...

Eric said...

Purity Shmurity. Its all posturing. Organic clothing. Please.