Thursday, January 20, 2011

Confused indifference

Danyael and I like to get in the hot tub in the backyard from time to time to relax. We have to wait until the kids have gone to bed, then we will get in for awhile before bed. Last night we decided to get in, put the kids to bed, waited the mandatory time till we thought they were all asleep, and went out. Our hot tub is located in the yard right across from our kitchen, and there is a door there that goes from the kitchen to the yard, so we can see the kitchen pretty well. After we had been in the tub for about 15 minutes, we see Andrew wander into the kitchen. He has stretches where he will get out of his bed and have to be put back in bed a few times before he will fall asleep, but we thought he was asleep before we went outside. He was wandering back and forth looking for us, into the kitchen, over by the stairs, into the front room, back to the kitchen, back down the hall towards the bedrooms, with a confused look on his face. He never went downstairs, probably because the lights were off, and just wandered around for a few minutes. Then he started moving chairs in the kitchen, but gave up on that. We were in the tub watching this whole think and cracking up. Then he went back down the hall towards the bedrooms, and didn't come back out. We thought he might find us because we leave the door from our bedroom to the yard cracked a little bit so we can hear if either he or Megan is crying. We didn't hear anything, and he never came to the door. After a few minutes of not seeing him in the kitchen, we had to go back in to see what he was up to. He was lying on our bed, watching TV, without a care in the world. We thought he would be more concerned that his parents were missing, but nope, he just starting watching TV. Little stinker.


Linda G. Paulsen said...

That's called Faith.--mom
He takes after his dad. Parents are unnecessary appendages to a carefree life.--dad

Shannon said...

Sarah would panic after 1 minute of not finding us. Emily would get worried and pray after 4 minutes then call the police. Alyssa would most likely go back to bed and figure her older sisters would deal with it.