Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sweet Nectar

I decided towards the end of 2009 to give up soda for the year in 2010. I didn't drink alot of soda before, at least not compared to some, maybe a 3-4 cans or bottles a week, but I thought it would interesting to see if I could do it. I did do it, aside from one lapse in January '09 where I had an italian soda at Olive Garden because I forgot. Its not like I went without anything good to drink. I had lemonade at restaurants, I had Minute Maid Cherry Limeade at work if I needed something to drink. For Christmas this year, I told Danyael that I wanted Cherry Coke in my stocking and she obliged. I drank it on New Years day with my lunch, and it was really really good. I did miss it. This year I am going without candy. I can have cookies, cake etc., but no candy. So far so good.

Towards the end of the year when I was talking to people about looking forward to soda, the question came up, if you are just going to start drinking soda again, what was the point of stopping at all? You didn't really give it up. What is the point of going without candy for a year if I'm going to expect Reeses and Butterfingers in my stocking this Christmas?

I don't really have a good answer for those questions. For the year I went without soda, I suppose I consumed less calories. Lemonade is at least somewhat better for me than soda, and the Cherry Limeade has no calories, but that was only a partial reason for going without. Eating no candy is not meaningful if I am eating chips and cookies, which I'm not intending to eat more, but you never know. I guess the answer is partly because I know its good for me, at least somewhat, and partly because I want to see if I can do it. Is denying myself something good for me? I don't know. But even not having good answers to those questions doesn't make me want to change my mind, so I'm going for it anyway.

See you in 11 1/2 months Reeses.


Jacob S. Paulsen said...

I understand. This year I'm going to eat a 5 pound Burger at a local restaurant. I know its bad for me but I just have to see if I can do it.

Linda G. Paulsen said...

Yes, it's good for you to see if you can go without something you really like. It's good for you to give up things that are not good for you. It's good to set worthy goals (emphasis on the word "worthy" Jacob), particularly those that practice self-mastery. But to put a time limit on it does take you back a space. Does that mean one should not bother? No. But one should consider the real reason he's doing it. If the real reason is just to test one's capacity for self-control, then the goal is met. A higher goal is to test one's capacity to grow from such an experience. Good vs. Better. But baby steps are better than standing still...