Monday, April 25, 2011

Magic Phone

Do you ever wish you had access to an oracle of knowledge? That you could make decisions or predict the future? My friend has a phone that spins easily if laying flat on one side. We decided to turn it into a yes or no device. Decide which direction is yes, which is no, ask a question, spin the phone, and wait for the answer.

Should I order the burger, should I order the chicken.
Will I ever own a motorcycle.
Will I get a bonus this year.
Is it going to rain on Saturday.
Will I die before age 60.

The phone knows all. Just like the Magic Eight Ball on my desk. It would be nice if I could actually rely on the answers.

Instead we have to think, plan, and act. We have to trust in a higher plan, have faith.

I suppose in some ways its better that the phone doesn't know all the answers, but sometimes I think it would be easier.


Linda G. Paulsen said...

Eric, this is dad. I am wondering if you could ask the phone about retirement. I am wondering how many more years I should work before retiring. One wants to go out at some level of competence, not way past their capacity to do anything right at all. So please check this out and get back to me. Thanks, Dad!

Eric said...


I asked the phone. The phone said you should definitely work two more years, year three and beyond seemed to be optional/murky.

Jacob S. Paulsen said...

I don't know what kind of phone you have because mine does have all the answers