Monday, April 18, 2011


Congrats to my brother Jacob, for completing his first marathon on Saturday. Jacob ran the Salt Lake City Marathon in 4:21. I think this is awesome, and is something that I will never be able/willing to do. Also, when he told me that he set his goal based on his determination to beat Oprah's time, I swelled with pride and respect. Good job Bro!


Linda G. Paulsen said...

Well, I'm proud of him. But I couldn't care less about Oprah. Deep down, I think he doesn't, either.

Linda G. Paulsen said...

This is really dad responding. I agree that Jacob was awesome to follow a dream to such a fine conclusion. May we all find that ultimate test of who and what we are and give our best efforts until we reach it - no matter the distance or the cost. Dad