Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Which Little Piggy Are You?

Megan, like most little kids, is a big fan of finger games and songs. I think I did This Little Piggy about 15 times last night. It got me thinking, that the finger game of This Little Piggy could be an interesting personality assessment.

Which piggy are you?

1. One little piggy had roast beef.
2. One little piggy had none.
3. One little piggy went to market.
4. One little piggy stayed home.
5. One little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.

Which one you identify with kinda says something about you right?

I think I either had roast beef or stayed home.


Linda G. Paulsen said...

You are a funny man. But I think you're right! I suppose I am the piggy that went to market...although I "squeal" a lot...

Shannon said...

I think it would be fun if you guessed which piggy I most identify with. Then I'll tell. :)

Eric said...

OK Shannon. I'm going with Stayed home, and went to market online. Hows that??