Friday, June 22, 2007

Second Place

I took second place in a pie eating contest. Second.

I don't know how this happened. Willis let me down. Bigtime.

My work had a summer solstice celebration on June 21st that featured a pie eating contest. I entered, and, for good reason, was very confident. I have never lost an eating contest of any kind. Ever. I can drink fast, I can eat fast, I can eat large volumes of food. I can even eat large volumes of food fast. There were originally only 5 entrants, though 2 more joined as the contest was beginning. The rules were:

No utensils

No touching the pie (You could touch the pie tin)

Pie and tin stay on the table

First to eat the entire pie wins

You could choose Banana Cream, or chocolate cream, I went with Banana.

As the opening gun sounded, a few of the obvious newbies dove nose first into their pies and started eating way to fast. I was working my way along nicely when someone mentioned an intern who was in the contest. I lookesd over, and his pie was half gone. I was maybe a quarter of the way through my pie. He was sort of cheating because he had partially lifted the pie tin off the table and bent part of it down to get a better angle on the crust. Now, I don't want you to think that I am using this as an excuse, he would probably have beat me regardless, but I did feel a little as though I had been robbed. This put all of us in a higher gear. By the time he had finished, and won, I had eaten all my filling and over half of the crust. I was a clear second place. That kid inhaled his pie. It was crazy. Someone made a comment that a hungry grad student intern could not be matched. That must be the case, because that pie disappeared awfully fast.

So, while I have been humbled, and Willis and I are still not on speaking terms, I did win second place, and recieved a major award for my troubles.

All in the name of pie.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I would have entered just to eat the pie. I would not have eaten fast, but I would have slowly but surely finished my pie.