Monday, April 27, 2009

Venus must be really cold

Why are men traditionally always warm or hot, and women always cold? The ideal temperature for me during the day is about 69-70 degrees. At night - 66-67 degrees. For Danyael - during the day 105-115 degrees, at night 105-115 degrees. That makes it tough for us both to be comfortable. I always argue that we should keep temperatures low, because it is easier to warm up than cool down, but that doesn't always work. Also, in the summer, it wastes energy to try to keep it too cool. According the the below linked article, there are a number of theories, including different surface areas, muscle mass, and body fat that cause the different preferences, but there seems to be some disagreement. Either way, it sucks.


Linda G. Paulsen said...

I used to think that the Creator had a quirky sense of humor. Then it occurred to me that making men and women different in this way encourages cuddling. That's not a bad thing. It's not even funny. But beyond that, it may be a good enough reason to keep fit. Healthy people are more likely to be on the same temp mode, male or female. That's not a bad thing either. Nor funny. So there we are.

Shannon said...

I think you're part werewolf. (See Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer)