Friday, November 14, 2008

He is his father's son

My younger boy had a recent homework assignment where he was given a timeline showing the days of the week, and asked to list imorportant things that happen during the week. This is what he wrote:

Monday: Lunch
Tuesday: Lunch
Wednesday: Lunch
Thursday: Lunch
Friday: Short day at school

At least he has his priorities straight.


Shannon said...

I can see how that would really help him distinguish between say Wed. and Thursday. Couldn't we simplify things for him by calling Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday "Monday" and then of course we'd have Friday and naturally keep Saturday and Sunday even though lunch is clearly a priority those days as well, but with a different setting.

Linda G. Paulsen said...

Perhaps he is his father's son, alright. And is a boy, generally. Not to mention that Lunch really is the most important meal. Breakfast is hardly noticed because you're mostly not awake yet and in a hurry. Dinner is often the meal wherein somebody else chooses what and how much you have to eat, and telling you to put your elbows off the table. It's stressful. Whereas Lunch has more pleasant associations and is often followed by recess.

Jeanine's blog said...


I must say that I'm gaining a greater understanding of you and your family from reading this blog!

I see now where your "personality" comes from.