Saturday, November 8, 2008

Motor Mouth

Do you ever hear the sound of a motor or some other electronic device and think that the device is talking to you?

We have a new son, he was born on Oct. 19. When we brought him home from the hospital, we got out the crib, the diapers, the carseat, and the swing.

The swing talks to me. It always has.

When the swing is on, the motion of the gears and the sound of the motor makes words. I don't try to put words in its mouth, I just listen to what it is saying. It is usually a 3 or 4 word phrase, which, of course, repeats itself over and over. From time to time the entire phrase or a part of it changes as you listen. When we got it out this time, and turned it on for the first time, I remembered.

Unfortunately, what the swing says rarely makes any sense. Below are some recent phrases.

"Green acres, I also"
"I am finished"
"have some blue"

Wouldn't it be better if it made sense?


Shannon said...

My dishwasher talks too. Maybe they know each other and the phrases only make sense to each other. For example, my dishwasher the other day was repeating "Are you done?" over and over.

Eric said...

Apparently, the DW wasn't done, or it would have stopped talking.

Linda G. Paulsen said...

I've always noticed the conversation between the car tires and the road. On the way home from the Town Center Mall last night it went, "pots and pans and pots and pans..." Then there is the vacuum, which whines, "Such a messsss." But at least that makes sense.